And We're Off

We had to be up far too early (2am) to catch the coach down to Folkston. With only two hours of sleep, you can imagine I feel like death right now.

Everyone if not the majority seems to be asleep and I can't drift off. I'm unbelievably uncomfortable and something is digging in to my back.

Anyway, I'm so excited for this trip. I have always been in love with the idea of Paris and now I get to experience it.

Parisians unfortunately talk VERY fast and what with my seemingly basic A2 knowledge of French, I'm going to do everything possible to sound as Parisian as needed. 

I am praying that I will be allowed a detour to Chanel, maybe to collect EPQ research which would be really helpful as the store is in its original place, Rue Cambon. There's no way I'll be able to buy anything with a mere 130€ so un peu de faire la lèche-vitrine will be definite. 

I hope that there will be some nice gift shops where I can get some gifts, especially something nice for Josh. I love spending money as it is, particularly on myself (if you say you don't STOP LYING) but it's a warm, fuzzy feeling when you find something you know someone else will love. 

We're still in England at the moment and I'm beginning to drift off, my eyes dropping after every word. 

Here's my little sister Ruth and me in the Toll service station near Birmingham. We couldn't not make use of the "Paris" edit on Instasize...

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