Mixing and matching
I have to admit, I'm 100% not good at mixing and matching clothes to create an outfit. Matching myabe, that's the easy part. But mixing? Hell no. Of course, it's not that I don't have enough clothes...I have plenty more than needed. But I just can't see putting them together.
I love styling myself and others and in shops I can always put great outfits together. I walk around the Trafford Centre in Topshop and Forever21 making mental notes or even actual ones on the trends and what goes with what. I love cross-mixing patterns, a bit of clash works for every season. Florals and checks work so well if you get the right colours.
But I don't see why I can do it so well in shops and not at home. One theory, the clothes in the shops are brand new and much nicer than my own, or I just feel more inspired when I'm out shopping. I assume it's the latter, as I wouldn't have bought the clothes in my wardrobe if they were not 'nice'.
It also depends on the season. AW allows for layering, making mixing patterns and textures much easier. For example, a chestnut coloured shearling coat over a denim waistcoat and a long checked shirt, with wooly tights and grungy biker boots.
I have a friend who is great at the title of this post. She has started doing #sophiesstylediary on Pinterest and I love it!
Hopefully as autumn draws near and winter sets in my skills at mixing clothes will improve and I'll be able to creat looks that are forward and inspiring.
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